czwartek, 9 maja 2013


I'm really proud of myself. And my dream came true. I made an interview with Alexander Stoeckl - norwegian skijumpers' coach.

You have just come back from holiday. Are you ready for new season and new challenges?
Yes, I feel ready. I loaded my batteries and I am looking forward to the challenges that are coming.

We know surnames of ski jumpers whose will be in the team in season 2013/2014. Anders Jacobsen is there too. When he can return to regular trainings? 
The plan for Jacobsen is to start with jumping in November. At the moment he is doing physio therapy and in about 2 months he can start with light physical training. We just have to wait and see how things are going.

Do you think that he will be ready for Olympic Games?
I everything goes as planned he can reach the Olympics.

And what with Bjoern Einar Romoeren? Will we have a chance to see him on the hill again?
Well, i hope so. He is close to start with jumping right now and his motivation is high as always.

The team has started a preparing to summer season. Are you working on something special?
We are not working on special things. At the moment we are focussing on the physical training and we will start with the jumping end of May. We will have some camps during the summer, like last year and we will take part in the SGP.

Are you planning to go abroad on the training camp? Like year ago?
Yes we will have camps outside of Norway. We will go to Germany, Austria and maybe to another place a bit further away.

Summer Grand Prix is starting in 3 months time. Will everybody take part in competitions of SGP?
The plan is that everybody will take part, maybe not every competition but many.

 And the last one. What do you think about the new rules? No possibility for change a beam for coaches ? And reduction the number of judges? Are they good ideas?
We have the chance to try the new rules in the SGP and then we have to evaluate how it is. With 3 judges the responsibility is high, because a judge should not make a mistake.

Polish version of this interview you can find HERE

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